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Presentation at the Deutsches Museum (21.09.2022)

Christian Grams gave a presentation within the seminar series "Wissenschaft für jedermann" at the Deutsches Museum on 21 September 2022. He talked about the ues of challenges of weather forecasts for the production of renewable energies to about 160 participants (both in person and online). The German title of his presentation was "Wetter, Witterung, Dunkelflauten. Was nützt Wetterwissen bei der Energiewende?". The event took place in the Auditorium of the Deutsches Museum, which has been renovated recently.

More information about the presentation, and a link to the video are available here.

deutmus2022-500Christian Grams in the Auditorium of the Deutsches Museum in Munich on 21 September 2022
